Christmas shopping can break the bank, and your credit card balance, for the upcoming year. However there are ways to avoid this, and even save a bit of money, with a little planning. Start purchasing early, if you see something on sale, and someone would like or need it, get it. Spacing out the purchases not only eliminates stress, but makes one feel accomplished by crossing that task off the list.Also , keep in mind gifts not always need to be material, they can be experiences as well. Have a friend that has never had a massage? purchasing a gift certificate now might not only be cheaper, but gives that person something they never had before.Make a list of how many people you want to buy for and what you want to get them. Compare prices, check for free shipping deals. Way to save even more, do something for someone instead of just buying something.
Key Takeaways:
- Don’t do all of your shopping purchases in one day. Space out your purchases for like two weeks intervals.
- When you start shopping early, you tend to avoid the price fluctuations that are prevalent in December.
- Try to compare prices on often-discounted sites like Groupon and buy when there are sales.
“If you are living paycheck-to-paycheck or are on a tight budget, preparing for holiday shopping and getting it done in advance can ensure your finances aren’t completely thrown off course in December.”